Smith Mountain Lake - Map & Directions

Use the map above of the Smith Mountain Lake area to help plan your visit.

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Map & Directions

Directions to Smith Mountain Lake

From Roanoke, Virginia: Smith Mountain Lake is about 31 miles from Roanoke, Virginia. To get there, take VA-116 from Roanoke for 14.8 miles. Turn right at VA-122, and prepare for a quick, slight left at Burnt Chimney Road. Drive for 4.4 miles, then take a left at VA-834, which you'll travel for 2.9 miles. Take a right at Scruggs Road/VA-616, go for 7.2 miles, then take a slight left at VA-711. You'll go 0.7 miles. Take a slight right and you'll be at the lake.

From Danville, Virginia: Smith Mountain Lake is about 64 miles from Danville, Virginia. To get there, take VA-41 from Danville for 20.1 miles. Then, take a right at VA-57, go 0.3 miles and take a left onto Sago Road. Drive for 3.1 miles and continue on Museville Road for 8.8 miles. Take a left on VA-40, go for 8.7 miles, and take a right at VA-834. Continue for 10.5 miles, then take a right at Scruggs Road/VA-616. Go for 7.2 miles, then take a slight left at VA-711. You'll go 0.7 miles. Take a slight right and you'll be at the lake.